who am i ?

born in connecticut and raised between the usa and india, my love for performance came from a combination of preschool concerts performed for the family camcorder and film songs from old hindi cds. as a child, my first experiences performing were through hindustani classical music lessons, where my love for live singing started. in school, i began to study theatre academically, completing the igcse drama certificate and the ib diploma with theatre as a higher level. i then went on to perform locally in monologue competitions and regional fests in bangalore, while developing my skills and portfolio as a makeup artist, specializing in abstract, and stage makeup. i recently graduated from acting school and am currently pursuing an esthetics license.

my academic study of regional theatre history and brecht have greatly inspired my goals as a performer. i’m passionate about live performance that utilizes various methods of storytelling, such as culturally specific, site-specific, and non-traditional modes of theatre, to make audiences re-examine their beliefs and connect to community, both their own as well as others.

apart from performing, i also love collecting trivia, am learning mehendi and embroidery, and am a lover of mithai. the show i’ve been loving recently is made in heaven (2023) and my current comfort movies are doraemon.

follow me on instagram dot com